Top ten Afterlife quotes

The new Netflix series ‘After Life’ is being critiqued as some of Ricky Gervais’s best work, with his twitter account teeming with good reviews and appraisals from viewers. The show certainly is an outstandingly beautiful watch and truly pulls on all the emotions. The wickedly well written, emotive, black comedy has produced some instantly immortal quotes, my favourite ten are as follows:

“Fat Hairy nosey cock sucker”

Right off the bat -in episode one- Ricky’s character, Toni, comes out with this absolute belter of an insult. Fired at a nervous park goer, who’s commented on Toni’s dog, the line solidifies the series brilliantly dark and course humour early on.

“Im not a peado, and if I was, you’d be safe. You tubby little ginger cunt”

Followed swiftly by this extremely well received line which again epitomises the comedy in the series and irrefutably having me in stitches for a short while afterwards.

“If you could open a tin, I’d be dead now”

An emotive and heart wrenching line that Toni confesses to his dog after it stops him from committing suicide in the bath. This scene truly hammered home the state of despair Toni is in, with a very raw image of suicide attempt. Something most series would not be brave enough to show and/or make it as impactful and real as Ricky Gervais’s does.  

“Why would people rather be famous for being shit than not famous at all”

A poignant question and fabulous mock of our current social climate of Instagram influencers and YouTube stars who are seemingly ready to do anything for viewers and likes.  

“Bad things happen to good people; good things happen to bad people and sometimes it’s just no-one’s fault”

The epitome of the series nihilistic viewpoint delivered in one line by the character Daphne, as she tries to console Toni.   

“Don’t waste it on food”

In certainly one of the most controversial scenes; Toni gifts a friend an amount of money to aid them in committing suicide. The line’s gravitas hangs in the air and really contests the moral idea of the right to die powerfully as it concludes the character’s final dialogue.

“Happiness is so amazing it doesn’t matter if its yours or not”

A beautifully uplifting line, relaying an incredibly important message, which clearly strikes the heart of character, Toni, but also plenty of viewers too.

“Please be Happy, you deserve to be happy”

An excellent reflection of the empathy and sorrow comes flooding through this line. As the character, Sandy, shares her wish for Toni to be happy. Tearing up as she delivers it, the line grips the soul.      

“You’re my boy”

I unashamedly cried at this scene. The blissful moment Toni’s dad just breaks through his crippling dementia enough to recognise and remember his son, pulled one too many of my heartstrings.

“letting me squeeze your neck. What a good fucking mate you are.” – To Lenny

“Youre smart and interested; don’t ever loose that” – To Sandy

“Thank you for annoying me every day, without fail” – To Kath

“Thanks for never giving up”- To Matt

In an outstanding finale, this scene serves as a perfect and soul-searching conclusion to Toni’s recovery from depression. Taking the time to individually thank the people who helped him through, in a touching and humorous way. Entirely and impeccably encompassing the series’ entire quintessence.

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